Monday, June 9, 2008

The American Family Association does NOT support the Troops!

Our men and women in the armed forces are doing a difficult job under very trying circumstances. So you’d think that most people would want to do what they could to support the troops. You wouldn’t think that there would be people out there actively trying to take away things that boost our troops' morale.

But you’d be wrong.

Donald Wildmon from the American Family Association thinks that our service men and women, who risk their lives on a daily basis, who face roadside bombs, insurgent attacks, and other assorted hazards, shouldn’t be allowed to see nudie pictures. The wingnuts at the AFA are upset that military exchanges are selling “se-ually-explicit [sic] publications . . . such as Celebrity Skin, Pl-yb-y's [sic] College Girls, and Playmates In Bed”.

Most of us can remember what it was like to be a young adult, with our hormones running at full throttle. So if our soldiers want to look at nudie magazines, most normal people wouldn’t have a problem with that. But for the prudes at AFA, safeguarding their own delicate sensibilities from the knowledge that other people are looking at porn is more important than letting our soldiers make up their own minds about what they want to look at.

The douchebags at the AFA are supporting a piece of nonsense called the Military Honor and Decency Act, that would remove magazines like "Playboy" from the military exchanges.

If you really care about our soldiers, you'll contact your congressman or Senator to express your opposition to this ridiculous bill.

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